
  • Closing Time

    The time interval between the opening and closing of a particular ledger. This time period is important because it determines the amount of time during which transactions can be added to the ledger. Once the Closing Time is reached and the ledger is closed, no further transactions can be added to that particular ledger. The duration of the Closing Time can vary depending on the specific blockchain implementation and the consensus algorithm being used.

    This data represents the average Closing Time for a given day.

  • Operations

    Operations are requests to modify the state of the Pi blockchain, such as transferring Pi currency between wallets or creating new smart contracts. They are submitted to the network in batches called transactions. This data represents the total number of Operations submitted in a given day on the Pi blockchain. The number of Operations is an important metric as it reflects the level of activity and demand for the Pi network. Higher numbers of Operations may indicate a growing user base or increased adoption of Pi as a means of exchange or value transfer.

  • Accounts

    Accounts on the Pi blockchain are equivalent to wallets, with each account typically associated with a single wallet. This data represents the total number of accounts that existed on the Pi blockchain for a given day. It is an important metric as it reflects the growth and adoption of the Pi network. Higher numbers of accounts may indicate a growing user base and increasing demand for Pi as a means of exchange or store of value.

  • Daily Active Accounts

    Daily Active Accounts refer to the number of unique accounts that submitted at least one transaction during a given day on the Pi blockchain. This metric is a measure of the level of engagement and activity on the Pi network. Higher numbers of daily active accounts may indicate a growing and engaged user base, which is important for the adoption and success of the Pi network.

  • Payments

    Payments are a type of operation on the Pi blockchain that involve sending a specific amount of a certain asset to a destination account. The Payments metric represents the total number of payment operations that occurred on a given day on the Pi network. This data is an important indicator of the level of economic activity on the Pi blockchain, as payments are a fundamental aspect of any transactional system. High levels of payment activity may suggest a growing and vibrant ecosystem of users and businesses using Pi as a means of exchange.

  • Volume

    Volume is a metric that represents the total amount of Pi coins that were exchanged in transactions on the Pi blockchain on a given day. This data is an important indicator of the level of economic activity on the Pi network, as it reflects the amount of value that is being transferred between users and businesses. High levels of volume can indicate a growing and vibrant ecosystem of users and businesses using Pi as a means of exchange. It is worth noting that volume can be affected by various factors, including price fluctuations and changes in market sentiment.

  • Txs

    Txs is a shorthand for Transactions, and it represents the total number of transactions that were processed on the Pi blockchain on a given day. Transactions are a fundamental component of any blockchain, as they allow users to send and receive assets, record changes to the ledger, and participate in various activities on the network. The Txs metric is an important measure of the overall level of activity and engagement on the Pi network, as it reflects the total number of times that users interacted with the blockchain on a given day. High levels of transactions can indicate a healthy and active ecosystem of users and developers, as well as growing demand for Pi as a means of exchange and store of value.

  • Failed Txs

    "Failed Txs" represents the total number of transactions that failed to be executed on the Pi ledger for a particular day. This metric is important for understanding the health and efficiency of the Pi network, as a high number of failed transactions may indicate issues with the network's infrastructure or software. Additionally, monitoring this metric can help identify potential security threats or malicious activity on the network.

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