
  • Wallets

    Displayed in the format of T/A. T represents the total number of wallets at the current moment, including PCT (Pi Network Core Team) wallets, App wallets, and Pioneer wallets. A represents the number of wallets added today (since 0:00 GMT). This data is updated hourly.

  • Total Migrated Mining Rewards

    The amount of Pi coins that have been successfully migrated, which is currently under development. Pi coins are distributed through the creation of claimable balance operations by the wallet at address GABT7EMPGNCQSZM22DIYC4FNKHUVJTXITUF6Y5HNIWPU4GA7BHT4GC5C. By aggregating the total amount of Pi coins distributed through these operations, the Total Migrated Mining Rewards can be calculated.

  • Currently Locked Mining Rewards

    The amount of Pi coins that are currently locked in claimable balance operations. The claimable balance operations include a parameter called "Claimants" which refers to a list of claimants (account addresses and ClaimPredicate pairs) that can claim the claimable balance entry. The ClaimPredicate must be satisfied before the destination account can claim the balance.

  • Active Wallets

    This data represents the total number of addresses that have submitted transactions on the Pi blockchain today (since 0:00 GMT). It is updated hourly.

  • Operations

    Operations are objects that represent a desired change to the Pi ledger and are submitted to the network grouped in a transaction. This data represents the total number of Operations submitted to the Pi blockchain today (since 0:00 GMT). It is updated hourly.

  • Payments

    A Payment is a type of Operation that sends a specific amount in a certain asset to a destination account. This data represents the total number of Payments submitted to the Pi blockchain today (since 0:00 GMT). It is updated hourly.

  • Volume

    This data represents the total transaction volume of Payments on the Pi blockchain today (since 0:00 GMT).

Last updated